The NFTs with TokenID that we offer with Installments
1 Lucious Tarquinious Superbous
2 Chief Tonowari
3 Luke Skywalker
4 Space Station
6 Plato Dao
8 Red Ruby
9 Anonymous (or Character Metaverse)
10 C-3PO
11 Oedipus Son And Husband Of Jocasta
12 Green Emerald
13 Las Vegas Girl
14 Crypto Wrapped Phone
15 Sock Puppeteer
16 Las Vegas
17 Aphrodite
18 Gov Apollo
19 Ai Apaec
20 Tutankhamon
21 Unicorn
23 Persus Holding The Head Of Medusa
24 Blue Saphire
28 Master Of NFTs
29 Unicorn2
30 Unicorn3
31 Financial NFT1 -$1000
32 Financial NFT2 -$500
33 Financial NFT3 -$100
34 Financial NFT4 -$1
Not connected
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Note: In case the installment payment is not made within 7 days, an additional 5% will be added to the total price payable for the NFT.